Granted, it's not me writing Uncanny X-Men, but it's on the other side of the camera. It's from Ethan Young's excellent e-comic Tails, which you can read free here. (You can actually start on the chapter I'm in and not miss out on too much -- here's the first page -- and then go back and read from the start. Because it is amazing, and highly recommended.)
See? Even when I'm in Australia, New York finds a way to claim me. The temperatures in Melbourne are about the same as the temperatures in New York -- 35 degrees in both places -- but, believe me, it feels a lot better here.
Ethan (SPOILER WARNING) used to live downstairs from us. He designed this card for my daughter's first birthday, which I'm still ga-ga about. The Yiddish was added by his roommate. Check it out and marvel:

Ouch. Sorry for the pun.
wow! you're in a comic book. how cool is that?
I posted your interview to the Medusa's Muse blog. I know it's taken forever for the book to come out, but I swear, it is happening.
So cool! (And Ethan just emailed me questions about what my apartment looks like for the follow-up. I'm psyched.)
Thanks for posting my interview! I'll post it up here asap....
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