There's this little afternoon prayer service inside an office building. Today, because it was the anniversary of his aunt's death, one of the elderly gentlemen brought in boxes of cookies and brownies for everyone. Before anybody ate, this one guy held up his phone and said, "This is the kosher certification for the cookies. I'm not saying anything about it, good or bad. I'm just saying I don't recognize it, and you should all know that before you eat it." He didn't take any. I left right away, disgusted with that guy. Now I wish I'd taken a cookie right away and sank my teeth into it. Or maybe I just wish I would've sank my teeth straight into that guy's face.
Also, maybe this will make things better:
Hey Matthue, I just found this site from a link on hevria. Very cool! I don't think it's the guy's fault. I think it has to do with the fact that so much of our outward appearance of piety is tied up with what we eat, simply because it is the most common commandment we get to exhibit, and which intrudes on most social gatherings. And also, I don't think his upbringing brought manners to the level of importance where it would be carry weight opposite a chance for a nice show of traditional piety, coupled with a feigned concern for the souls of others.
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