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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lady Fight Comics (and Other Embarrassing Names)

So I wrote a very short comic story, and it's officially been released in an anthology! I actually haven't seen a hard copy yet, but it's out, so I figured the shout-outs should begin -- especially since we just got our first review, and it's a good one.

My story, "Cacta," is an intro to a bigger story about a girl who gets cactus-based superpowers, a set of superpowers which is both way more cool and way more awkward than it sounds. Anyway, the reviewers liked it:

"The art on this one is very solid, with a rather striking splash page...My favorite part of this story, however, was not the super heroics, but our young heroine's inner dialogue as she struggles not to flaunt her deeds at school the next day."

I'm counting it as a solid vote in my comic writing ability, even if my first and last names both got misspelled in the review. The other stories have more than a fair helping of ass-kickery, and it's pretty awesome to be included with them. My one caveat: I'm a little uneasy about the title of the anthology, Lady Fight Comics, although I suppose it's technically the exact opposite of saying that girls can't fight. (I actually tried to propose another story for it called Lady Fight Club, but that got shot down...probably deservedly so. Although, if anyone wants to illustrate a short comic script about 1950s housewives and Fight Club, give me a holla.) The issue is out, now, in comic shops and on IndyPlanet: order it here.


Marie said...

I would love to illustrate 1950s housewives that are members of a fight club, but alas, my drawing ability is no where near up to par.

Btw I love the commentary capabilities of your website! It is so cutting edge now!

matthue said...

If I had time, I'd totally figure out how to Photoshop well enough so that I could take pictures and make them into comic panels.

I tried convincing a friend to do that for me, but then he got so good that he became a graphic designer instead. no lie.

Jessica said...

How could someone misspell Roth?! Looking forward to reading the comic.

matthue said...

lots of talent! i've been trying my whole life and i still can't misspell it.

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